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Guten Appetit

Sweet Apple Dessert   “Süßer Apfelauflauf”


½ l


Bring to boil:  Milk, 2 tbs sugar, Lemon zest and salt.  Then add rice and simmer until milk is absorbed, allow to cool.

Mix cheese, egg yolks and rest of sugar together then slowly spoon into the rice mixture.

Peel and core apples. Take two apples and cut partially through - fan like.

Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. Thinly slice the rest of the apples and mix both into cheese-rice batter.  Pour batter into a greased oven safe bowl and arrange the fan cut apples on top.

Bake for 45 minutes in a preheated oven at 325°F

Serve warm and if you like, with fruit syrup.

4 tbs


Zest of half of a Lemon

1 pinch


125 g


200 g

Ricotta Cheese


Eggs, separated

500 g

cooking Apples